
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Eclipse Etc

Eclipse etc Eclipse By: Cynthia B. Vega Visible over the southern Pacific ocean on October 22nd was a calculation eclipse of the sunbathelight. The path of the eclipse started on the 22nd on the western side of the international dateline, but when it crossed the easter side it was actually the 21st. A temporary observatory was stodgy in Niuafou Island, in the Tonga group, and here were some(prenominal) astronomers from the U.S. and New Zealand, with many cameras, telescopes, and early(a) instruments.
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Niuafou is commonly called Tin-Can Land, because, onc e a month, mail is move to and acquire from a passing steamer in a seal off tin-can. The location of the little island provided ideal conditions for observations, and forty-one photographs of the sun in the eclipse rewarded the American astronomers. Especially remarkable were the pictures of the sun’s corona, which showed characteristic streamers to the east and west. In addition, special plates in an superstar camera will be st...If you want to quiver a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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