
Monday, September 30, 2019

Essay Week

At the same time it has to do with the way in which the individual reaches those needs. The action taken to reach the needs, goals, should be according to specific guidelines, thus rules. Those rules are culturally and historically defined. These rules state the actions that are allowed for the individual to take in order to reach his or her goal, but also state the actions that are â€Å"not-done†. For example driving a car can be rational and not rational depending on the way one drives the car. On a certain highway the speed limit Is km/h.If someone drives faster than 100 km/h then he or she will get a speeding ticket. If one drives 100 km/h then the driving Is rational because It Is according to the rules and one drives with the goal of not getting a speeding ticket. If one decides to drive km,'h it is not rational anymore because the driving is not done according to the rules even though one can have a goal of getting to the destination faster. This definition of rational ity is not to be confused with the rational choice theory. Rational choice theory uses a specific and narrower definition of â€Å"rationality† simply to mean that an individual acts as if balancing costs against benefits to arrive at action that maximizes personal advantage. † (â€Å"Rational choice theory,† 2014) This means that according to the rational choice theory an action is rational If It Is the best action. An action Is the best action If one checks all the options one has and then comes to the conclusion that this action gives me the most benefits for the least amounts of costs.For example if one has the choice beet;en going outside in the winter with a coat or without, the benefits of going outside with the coat outweigh that of going outside without the coat. One would in this case choose to go outside with the coat according to the rational choice theory. As I mentioned before rationality consists of goals and rules. Every individual or organization can choose which goals he or she wants to achieve. The rules on the other hand are not something which is exclusively the matter of an individual or single organization.The rules are imposed on Individuals or organizations by the society around them. The society decides what the rules are based on assembling. â€Å"Assembling Is the ongoing retrospective development of plausible Images that rationalize what people are doing. † (College, 2011, p. 63) them. This interpretation differs between different cultures, and even between efferent individuals in one culture. This perceiving and interpreting of the world is an ongoing process, it happens all the time. It is retrospective, meaning that we review the sense that we made of what happened.So we sense what we sensed with new data. It is plausible because it is never perfect, but rather good enough for the things we sense and people that sense it. It is an image because we try to represent the thing that we sense in the form of models, plans or mental maps. Because sneaking is different for different people, the rules that come out of this sneaking is also different. This in turn results in different rationalities, because the rules that are used are different. As suggested in the book there could be different rationalities at play at the same time in an organization.For example the finance department can have as a rationality to be completely honest about the financial state of the organization. At the same time the finance department can have as a rationality to give a positive financial state of an organization. Those two rationalities can in times of financial setbacks collide with each other. Another example can be found with the employees. The first rationality of the employee could e to earn as much money as possible. At the same time the employee can have as a second rationality to work as less as possible.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Macadams Case Study

This Increase was necessitated by the fact that Macadam's had embarked on an solution spree Ana required tons Tuning to secular Lavas Brothers In I-array 1996, as well as to fund the investment in new factories, land and distribution warehouses across the country. The short term debt had increased by 229%. This increase would have been necessary to fund their working capital obligations, as short term debt is significantly more expensive to service than long term debt. Despite the massive increase in debt, the interest cover ratio is still healthy.This however, is not a cash based ratio and gives us no indication as to whether the many is able to make its cash payments to service the increased quantities of debt. The current ratio and quick ratio gives us an indication of the company's ability to repay its short term debt. Macadam's have a very high current ratio, which shows that on the accrual basis the company's short term assets are readily available to pay off its short term lia bilities. The inventory on hand days have increased, together with the debtor's collection period.This further exacerbates the cash flow problems as their cash is tied up in working capital. The longer collection period is probably indicative of more relaxed reedit terms – while this may boost sales and may well be a contributing factor to the increased turnover, it also presents a problem to the businesses scofflaws as well as an increased bad debt risk. Both the fixed asset turnover and total asset turnover have declined, due to an increased asset base resultant from large acquisitions in the current year, as well as the inability to use these assets as efficiently as possible.This is supported by the increased profit margin discussed below. Profitability The business displayed healthy turnover, which increased by 58. 5% from the prior ear. The group is obviously doing well in terms of growth, but perhaps they were trying to grow too fast. A 58. 5% increase in turnover cann ot be sustainable without a strong balance sheet to support it. The turnover growth in the current year (1996) was largely attributable to surging demand for their products, a favorable exchange rate for their exports and acquisitions of businesses which complement their existing operations.Their operating margin was up from 10. 8% to 14. 9% showing that the company was operating more efficiently. Net profit margin increased from 7. 4% to 8. 5%. Not only were they boosting turnover, they were also managing to increase their margins. Total net profit attributable to shareholders was up 81% from the prior year. Cash flow From the ratio analysis above as well inspection of the face of the income statement, Macadam's appear to be making higher sales and larger profits off of these sales. Upon inspection of the cash flow statement, a different picture is seen.The large increase in working capital of 595% from R 2, 7 million to R 19 million, resulted in Macadam's Delve unmade to Tuna tene t operating Ana Investing satellites. I Nils introduction between the two statements highlights the increased profitability, but negative (and worsening) cash flows. A further draw-down of increased working capital cost is explained in the balance sheet with an increase in inventory of 66% (R 12 million) to meet consumer demand which was funded out of cash resources as well as increased debtors of 129% (R 15 million) due to increased credit sales.Furthermore, creditors increased by 87% (R 8 million), which only partially offset the increase in current assets. Conclusion Macadam's is earning high sales and profits, but has serious cash flow problems I. . The business is too successful, as they are trying to grow too quickly. Cash is seen to be the lifeblood of a business and the accrual of accounting profits are meaningless unless they are converted into cash flow.There are certain options available to overcome this problem, being: ; Cutting back on growth (which is never popular) ; Increasing borrowings (which wouldn't be a wise choice, as the movement in the cash-flow statement shows an inability to service current interest payments) ; Improving working capital management (which would necessitate a cut back in Roth) ; Arrange alternative financing (a reasonable solution by means of sale and leasebacks), or ; Issue more shares (which is what was chosen) Macadam's nearly failed as a business despite the fact that they had a successful idea and product that was in high demand.They resolved this by issuing more shares to institutions for cash, as well to fund the acquisition of Livings Pros and other fixed property acquired. They also recommended a capitalization issue in lieu of cash dividends to retain as much cash reserves as possible. If I owned shares in this company at this point I would (buy/sell)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Research About Reasons

Although you learnt it and it may be not a very hard word to recognize, you still cannot be able to speak that word out or write it down. It seems disappear mysteriously and never exists in your head. Vocabulary is a very important element within a language as the overwhelming majority of meaning is carried lexically. There are certainly other elements such as: grammar, stress, rhythm, intonation, tone of voice, pauses, hesitations or silences, not to mention the use of non-vocal phenomena: kinesics and proteomics features (Rosa M. . In my point of view, we cannot learn any languages without knowing the vocabulary of it. It is obviously that how we can express our statuses, our feelings and how we can communicate with no word even in speaking or writing. In 1990, MAC Scratchy stated, no matter how well the student learn the lessons grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of LA are mastered, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in an LA Just cannot happen in any meaningful way. (LA-second language).Therefore, to find problems of being difficult to use vocabulary is one of the most necessary things to solve. Although the other factors are also important, vocabulary is definitely the first section which must be done well for learners. You must have been embarrassed at least once and felt stuck when o cannot speak the LA word out in public. So you have to replace it to another word that is not as excellent as the one before. Its all because you didnt remember that word. After reading this material, you will discover causes and solutions to defeat your vocabulary weakness.In general, the Solution for Using English Vocabulary in Speaking and Writing is completely useful for all high school students and nonprofessional English university students. However, the other university students can also apply this research in their study. As everybody seems to underestimate earning vocabulary, we usually think Just learn by heart and understand new words, thats enough. But it is wrong! Nowadays, when the standard of life is more and more increasing, people pay less attention into worrying about what to eat or what to wear anymore, conversely, they have turned to worry about their knowledge. Particularly, parents who want their children have the best education at school and they always attempt to do it, so learning second language should be a typical example of this tendency. Many years ago, Vietnamese started learning other languages like Chinese, French and above all others was English. Nevertheless, it was not popular as present and learners mainly taught themselves studying. Thank to modernization, newly imported cultures of foreign countries, we have more chance to approach and adapt it how to it becomes our advantages.Therefore, the government is trying to make LA become a criterion for citizen to raise our countrys position higher in the world. For that reason, learning other language is very essential and vocabulary should merely be taken heed the most. Lacking awareness about vocabulary importance is actually one main cause making us feel bored and hard to ND then they forget for a while. Because teachers also force them learn grammar by heart more, but require them to be good at both, Just learning and learning, they dont have time to acquire what they have Just learned.During the research process, I made a study of this and realize that there are more different methods to teach a student improve his or her learning skills. This will help us evaluate our ways to learn from the past until now, to find out which is good to develop it more and which is bad to stop and to erase from our habits. Students in Viet Name are almost good at rammer, yet they always feel they cant speak or write their LA frequently. Therefore, this research aims to a very cause vocabulary. After you improve your vocabulary knowledge, it is for sure you wont never fear this problem anymore.However, in spite of the importance of this element, vocabulary is often the least systematized and the most neglected of all the aspects of learning second language. For that reason, why do people underestimate vocabulary the English element? And How to change this thought of learners to improve their speaking and writing skills? Chapter 2: Literature Review Before we start finding the efficient ways to use vocabulary in speaking and writing, we need to clarify some questions, find out the main reason to solve it totally and then we will be better at these two skills. What is a vocabulary?According to the Collins Cobbled English Language Dictionary (1989: 1629), the vocabulary of a language is the total number of words in it and in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (New Eighth Edition, 2012: 1722), is all the words that a person knows or uses. About word, it is defined, a single unit of language which means something and can be spoken or written. Some people sauntered between vocabulary and word, they think they are similar, but actually not. To simplify those definitions, we can understand that vocabulary is all of the words we know and use to communicate effectively.Some of them we use in speaking or learn from reading books, some we regions when listening from the others. There are two types of vocabulary: A. Use vocabulary (active vocabulary): words you can remember and use easily. Students learn vocabulary indirectly when they hear and see words used in many different contexts, for example, through conversations with adults, through being read to, B. Recognition vocabulary (passive vocabulary): words you knew in advance but for some reasons, its hard to spell or to pronounce correctly, and you need something remind.Students learn vocabulary directly when they are explicitly taught both individual words and word-learning strategies. In fact, the use vocabulary is as large as your recognition vocabulary and when you speak or write, you do not use as many words as when you recognize it from hearing and reading at all. This is information which tells us that if we can draw the recognition and the use one together, how remarkably our speaking and writing are improved! As a student, the researcher has been through many years at school, most vocabulary I learned and varied were from English textbook (grade 6 to grade 12).However, I actually could use half of them in practicing and all of my friends were the same with me or some were even worse. According to Beck McKeon in 1991 , Early vocabulary researchers reported figures ranging from 2,500 to 26,000 words in the vocabularies of typical grade 1 students and from 19,000 to 200,000 words for college graduate students. And in two decades ago, there was considerable consensus among researchers that students added approximately 2,000 to 3,500 extinct words yearly to t heir reading vocabularies (Anderson Nagy, 1992; Angling, 1993; Beck and Smoke, 1991; White et al. , 1990).At the present time, the vocabulary size of each student must have increasing that figure more and more thanks to the help of modern technology. This is right and wrong. Although students have varied their vocabulary greatly but they are hindered partly by tissues such as types of vocabularies being considered (e. G. Active and passive vocabulary). Moreover, students have more subjects to study and to be good at all that subjects either. They o not only learn by heart other subjects theories but they also have to acquire an amount of vocabularies and grammar structures which are their second language.Therefore, learning vocabulary may become a burden for almost students and they will be bored with foreign languages lessons. The importance of vocabulary Everybody knows vocabulary knowledge plays an essential part to have a good basement when he or she learns a new language. Because it is obviously that without a basic amount of vocabulary, you cannot study language of any country well even if you are really good at its grammar. In 1997, Ellis stated, knowing the words in a piece of discourse facilitates understanding which in turn allows the grammatical patterning to become more transparent. However, course books and teachers try to focus on grammar and make it become more important than the other elements. Additionally, foreigners can catch your speech with an imperfect grammar and an enough known vocabulary. But not many people get this point, they try to study hard in grammar skill, as the results, there are many people who learn vocabulary, still underestimate the importance of it. Students need both of a great many words in heir vocabularies and the ability to use various strategies to establish t he meaning of new words when they encounter them (Fran L. , Jean O. ND Alfred H. ) Knowing a lot of words is good but not enough, all of it will be useless if you cant be able to use it appropriately and effectively. Think about some practical cases like when you want to write or speak an interesting sentence in your writing or your speech and you try to find the best word to apply in that sentence because you cant find out or cant remember it. Cannot find it out: you didnt know that word; Cannot remember it: you re lack of ability to use it immediately. Even if your grammar structure of this sentence is excellent, do not have vocabulary it still have nothing.As McCarthy stated, , No matter how well the student learn the lessons grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of LA are mastered, without words to express a wide range of Scratchy is the author who did many researches about the importance level of vocabulary, and this status above surely prove that words of LA is the most necessary element for every learners. Thus, I believe that we should raise the awareness of students about the importance of vocabulary. And then when students aware by themselves, they can easily improve this element and have their own motivation to learn how to use it in any situation effectively.Word Poverty Main reason causing difficulties in our speaking and writing A. Word poverty: Researcher Louisa Moats refers to the gap in word knowledge between advantaged and disadvantaged children as word poverty. In her study of the language abilities of kindergarten students in a large city district, Moat found that many children were unable to name pictures that showed the meanings of words such as sewing or parachute. (Moats, 2001) It is clear that learning vocabulary is not Just about memorizing lists of words, but it also depends on methods of each learner so that they will be good or bad at their study.For that reason, vocabulary is a main root of a studying new language process, if the root is not healthy and weak, i ts tree-truck definitely will be wheeling and underdeveloped. It is the same with learners who are easily distracted or they approach their second language in a wrong way. Like the research above, children and students learn a numerous new words everyday but when they are asked about any word of their vocabulary knowledge, hey may not remember it. Most cases have started in learning vocabulary which is the first important mile, there have different levels to divide learners into different types of Word Poverty.B. Level 1 inappropriate vocabulary: using vocabulary incorrectly in given situations such as speaking or writing. This level is not too bad, those students have relative knowledge of vocabulary. However, English is a various language for learners to totally understand and acquire it, it is very difficult to get all principles of it. Therefore, in some circumstances, learners can make mistakes and apply the word in wrong position. For instance, right/left are normally used for indicating direction, but these words will not be appropriate on a ship, according to the Nautical Terms, right/left must be starboard/port.Level 2 wrong level of formality. This common error can occur to any learner. We usually use conversational English in spite of academic English in formal situations, because its hard for us to choose right words to apply our utterances or our speeches. An typical example is sit down in informal situation and be seated, ladies and gentlemen of formality. Level 3 meaningless vocabulary. There are some learners use words in a sentence improperly for two reasons. First, they translate it word to word by their mother tongue; second, they misunderstand its meaning without looking up in dictionary.The worse things are wrong grammar forms, wrong spelling or pronunciation. Word poverty will affect your speaking and writing very much if you dont change this now. Lack of vocabulary or using it illogically obviously will make your speech or your writing underestimated. Vocabulary Development Building vocabulary is a powerful way to enhance your life and career. Because articulator situations in which the learner finds himself, or might find himself, according to Wallace (1988: 16). 1. How to improve and expand vocabulary of your own. There are many ways helping you develop your vocabulary knowledge.Nevertheless, because of so many methods and so much direction which make you feel confusing to choose, in this research, I gladly give you the most six effective approaches to enhance your vocabulary. 1. Keep Learning New Words This is the great technique which many people use to develop their vocabulary knowledge. You must have known about the technique, it has one only rule: have to earn at least a word a day. Thus, if you count these numbers of words you have learnt over a years, it will support you a lot of words. Moreover, you will be more responsible for your study. . In the book Learning English Effectively, Nagyn Too Sins M. A in Bowie State University, Maryland gives us a very new ways to learn vocabulary which bases on the traditional one. He named it Percentage Formula, this method emphasizes that although there are a great amount of new words you try to learn, you also forget some of the so many words. Main reason is your brain always accounts some percentages of the total vocabulary you have Just learnt. Do not believe in the ability of memorizing of your brain totally, but cooperate with it wisely.For example, you learn 10 words a day, if you forget 20% of them, you will remember 8 words. With someone learns 15 words, if he forget 15%, he still remain 10 words. Compare with the one who learn 10 and who learn 15 words, you can realize that the more new words we learn, the less words we will miss due to the discount of your brain. Similarly, if you learn 20 and forget 40%, you will remember 12 of those words; hen you try to learn 30 or 40 words per day and you may even loose 50 or 60%, you still get 15 and 16 words in your memory. . Keep a vocabulary notebook of your own is also a good way to learn new words. Wherever you are, if you suddenly discover a strange or interesting word, you can write it down in you notebook. Obviously, you must decide what words to put in and what to say about them. Should you translate them, give definitions, give grammatical information? The decision is yours. Remy and Richard, More Than Words). 1. 2 Independent Learning This technique is probably the most efficient for learners in their long run of tidying a new language.Because it is sure that we are always apply what teacher taught us effectively, sometimes what we are self-learned is more easier for us to apply. Villa Goodies suggested five ways to study vocabulary in context: Jigsaw Readings, Guessing Meaning, Narrow Reading, Conversation, Concordance Lines. These are suitable ways to improve your vocabulary knowledge at home. He also noted that Repetition is really important for learners to do some activities so that we can remember the new words for a long time. 1. 3 Use Various Techniques (Multiple Techniques)There are some techniques such as dictionary work, word unit analysis, mnemonic devices, semantic elaboration, collocations and lexical phrases, oral production. However, if you think these ways are too complex to apply in your study, Entertainment is also a tool for both studying and relaxing, you can learn vocabularies by foreign films, songs, games.. . Reading famous novels or books can As normally, we use dictionary to look up a new word, but it is not enough for taking full advantage of it. You must have your own dictionary which depends on your currently English level.Then circle the words you look up and it is necessary to read the entire for the word you will check. One more thing is Be Aware of Words. Some people read a lot to expand their vocabulary knowledge, but they are told having a small amount of vocabularies. It is because you are not really aware of the new and hard words when you read, so you skip it. This will not give you a good result although you have been reading all the time. 1. 5 Motivation This definition is quite abstract but very essential for learners who are studying a new language.The most important factor is a successful vocabulary building tool. It is clear that without motivation, your work will not be done well or if the work can be completed, it absolutely will have no effect. Thus, when you determine what your purpose and your motivation are, I know you can enhance your vocabulary as far as you want. Vocabulary is totally an essential part of learning English. Thus, when students can control and keep expanding their knowledge of it every day, there is no door to be less confident of practicing Speaking and Writing skills anymore.Chapter 3: Methodology Subject: It is Junior high school students, and university students who dont major in English. They are almost good at grammar but lack of vocabulary which is the main reason why they can speak and write English well. These learners are the very important human resources of our country in future and their second language is good or not which will affect their future Jobs very much. Therefore, I made up my mind to choose them are my objectives. There has the same character about the researchs subjects, that is almost them take care of their second language English.Research procedure: After observing and discovering weaknesses of students about their second language-English in general. Particularly in newspaper, television news, social network pages,.. And by my friends, my acquaintances. I realized a big gap of learning English which is underestimated by most students, vocabulary knowledge. Then, I made a research and collected information about this problem from books, Internet, statistics As a result, I decided to survey a number of students in my area, The; D(RCA district, Hippie Bin high school and another number of nonprofessional English students in HÂ ¶Eng BEng University.Because these two subjects are familiar to me, they are also easy for me to survey and analyze my research. After I had the result of what I had studied, I found main reasons causing difficulties for students when they write or speak English. By particular numbers and statistics I surveyed, it proved what I had mentioned before is right. Next, I drew all information from the materials and my own experiences together, then, I made a list of tips for learners to use vocabulary more effective in speaking and writing.Sample selection: The sample technique I used to support my research is Stratified Sample. As I nonprofessional English students in university, I decided to choose my school, HÂ ¶Eng BEng University and Hippie Bin high school which I used to study at in order to carried out my research. In HÂ ¶Eng BEng University, I focus on faculties taking more interest in learning English such as business administration, information technology, finance banking, foreign relationship. In Hippie Bin high school, I made a survey with advanced classes and normal classes.Sample techniques: Stratified Sample method which is dividing the population into subgroups and then randomly selecting from among these subgroups. In this direction, I followed two important criteria, materials and method. My primary materials I used to support the research are my computer with Microsoft Excel, I chose this software to help me draw diagram more exactly and clearly; a questionnaire I made by myself with eight questions; a mathematical model is my calculator; especially is my real subjects, the students at school, without them, my research paper would be meaningless and valueless.Data collection: Through a process, I collected much information and I did surveys by myself which I use to support my research. Therefore, my data has a clear origin and it is valuable. The way I selected and collected my data is quite simple. After searching for many sources related to my topic, I went on carrying out some analyses by questionnaire, tests, observation,.. . In order to make clear problems and find the best solutions for it. The locations where took place my surveys were HÂ ¶Eng BEng university and Hippie Bin high school.Consequently, almost all objectives take their interest in my research (94. 4%). There are more than 75% who also agree the main reason causing difficulties in their speaking and writing skills is Lack of Vocabulary. And there are more than 80% people think their two skills will be nearly perfect if they improve the vocabulary knowledge. Reliability and Validity: My research paper is mainly for high school students and nonprofessional English students at university, but it can also inspire the other levels of learners.First, the validity of my researchs results and applicability is suitable and general for every learner because its particular objectives are Just a manner so that I can take more focus on and narrow my topic. For that reason, there is not only high school or nonprofessional English students can approach this research, but there are also appropriate for secondary students or advanced English students whoever has the name trouble at his speaking and writing skills. Second, this is an issue of our national education now.When students are very good at English grammar and others elements, but they cannot apply it on practice and real situations. So the research will be useful for numerous learners in our country, and it will help them a good direction in their studying. About the reliability, I make sure t hat my research paper is trustworthy. Because I did it by my best and my real ability. Sources, books, websites, and surveys are on the research which proved that it is totally from my studying process.Finally, if you depend on the results and the capability, you will realize my new ideas and easily apply in reality. Obviously in English, speaking and writing is two factors which every learner want to be good at the most. However, to be master these factors, there are some elements that the learners must control well like vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar And the result below will show you what high school and nonprofessional English university students think about their two skills. [pick] With the question, Are you good at these two skills? (speaking and writing skills), he majority of students choose so so as their final answer. There are 66,7% high school students and 50% university students who feel they are at average of speaking and writing English. Especially in the yes button answer, there are 25% high school students think they can control these skills, in the contrary, no university student is confident that they are good at both. You can see in the diagram, half of university students are so so and the other half totally think they speak and write English badly.Meanwhile, there are Just 8. 3% high school students less confidence of speaking and writing English. What is the reason why they cannot remember the word that they used to know or read before when they need it? Relating to the result above, the very annoying trouble which students meet is they are usually stuck when speaking and writing English sentence because of not knowing how to describe it by vocabulary. [pick] There are High school students and total nonprofessional English university students admit their weakness.However, some high school students can overcome this difficulty with 16,7% of them. The first and second diagram can be explained the reason why not all students easily say they are good at Speaking and Writing skills UT half of them think they are so so and there are even worse because of 50% say- no university students. The cause is only for lacking Vocabulary. Majority of students English, they know about grammar and some rules of it but lack of words makes them lessen their confidence and also feel hard to practice the skills.With the big number of nonprofession al English university students, who entirely answer no toward being good at Speaking and Writing skill, because there are many factors effecting them at the high education school university. Vocabulary knowledge is an essential element f learning this foreign language but there are more other fundamentals they need to concern either. At this position of university students, they realize grammar and rules that are Just a part not whole learning English. Next diagram and statistical numbers below will show the elements effecting learners when they study English. pick] There are five main factors in learning English, they are Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, Stress, Intonation and some extra features. At the first sight, we can find out the strongest influent element which was chosen by students at high school and University, that is Lack of Vocabulary. With 75% and 88. 9% of high school and university students choices, this percentage shows that almost students are aware of their knowledge of vocabulary. They know and understand about the element effects on their English studying time, because Vocabulary is the most basic thing when you learn a language.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Convergence Culture Argumentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Convergence Culture Argumentation - Essay Example A mobile phone is an example of technology convergence since it can perform different tasks; play music, take photos and videos, make calls among others. Economic convergence is the merging of old business idea such as marketing in business ideas that deal with the new generation goods and services while cultural convergence is when the audience becomes the user (Junkins 200). The emergence of the media convergence has given the audience capacity to store, edit, improve and recalculate media content. This is an outcome of the current trends in new generation media which has such features like download, edit play, watch, and upload share among others. This features give the audience unlimited capacity to modify media products and take them back to the same market as if they were originals. The consumer is therefore gaining more control over the flow o f media products. Global convergence occurs due to international circulation of media products such as music and film content (Junkins 200). This has further been reinforced by the development of social media platforms such as chat, face book, Skype, Google+ among others which make the circulation of media products very easy Is convergence culture good for society? I am for the concept of cultural convergence and global convergences (Junkins 200). I believe that cultural convergence is good for the society since its benefit greatly out weighs the negative of this trend. Benefits of cultural convergence It has made communication easier by development of new media gadgets that can perform multiple tasks eliminating the need to have several bulky media items. The new models are precise, efficient and portable. This means that there is the flexibility of accessing the media item even on the move, or attending to other tasks. Cultural convergence has made the global market be more competitive hence initiating creativity and diversity to compete fairly in the market (Junkins 200). Media produces have to learn how to keep up with the tremendous flow of media content through the delivery channels to increase revenue, broaden the market and motivate consumer commitment. This culture has brought about new trends in socialization making it dynamic (Junkins 200). It has reduced the social barriers and bridged geographical barriers making it possible for people in different regions to access each other just by the click of a button. It has created a platform where media products can be improved and shared with much ease hence reducing cost of production. There is increased interaction between the producer and consumer of the media production. This gives a channel to get the market feedback on such key areas such as market trends. Consumer need and response your products get in the market. This guides in quality improvement and modification. Accessing media content has also been simplified. The consumer is greatly earning the ability to control the media product they consume, store, discard or modify. Actu ally there are renowned artists who are thriving out of this creativity (Junkins 200). Although some, may refer to their work as not being original. These artists put in some ideas and creativity to come up with the improved product that is commonly referred to as a remix. Usually the source of idea is appreciated. What these artists bring in is the new perspective to interpret

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gym Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gym - Assignment Example As a function of this level of similarity, the following analysis will be concentric upon discussing and analyzing what uniformity of social constructs and/or identity formation is able to take place within these respective spaces. Is the further hope of this author that through such analysis the reader will come to a more informed and profound understanding with respect to the way in which identity formation and social constructs are encouraged and denoted within the average local gym. As such, the analysis will be concentric upon how features are responsible for shaping the social or hierarchical nature of this space, the subtle, implicit, and explicit means through which this social dynamic is encouraged, and the uniformity as compared to the utilitarian purpose that the gym necessarily espouses. Firstly, before delving into the unique dynamics of any particular gym, it must be understood and denoted that individuals utilize a gym for one of two unique reasons. The first reason an d rationale that an individual takes use of their local gym is with regards to the fact that this space is a means to an end as a function of increasing vitality, improving overall well-being, and generally seeking to provide a level of fitness and exercise to the body. Secondary group that integrates with the gym is one that can be categorized as utilizing this particular space for the sole purpose of aspect improvement. Whereas aesthetic improvement can most certainly be seen as a tangential benefit for the first group, the prime focus of the second group is to engage with this space as a function of drawing attention to their own bodies and maximizing certain features that they had targeted for improvement. The subtle differentiation between these two groups, although somewhat mundane, is ineffective measurement of how each and every gym is ultimately set up. The underlying rationale for this has to do with the purpose for which both of these groups engage with the service that t he gym provides. As such, prior to delving into the way in which a gym is able to speak to the needs of all of its participants, understanding the way in which these two dynamic groups exists in a contemporary setting is pivotal in understanding the manner through which social hierarchy, identity, and understanding of self is evidenced within this particular space. From such an understanding, the first aspect of social hierarchy that can be determined is concentric upon the way in which those individuals within the first group integrate with one another and with other gym goers. As such, even a cursory analysis into any generic gym will revealed the fact that those individuals who utilize the gym as a means of aerobic enhancement, self betterment, and vitality improvement, are most always place in positions throughout the gym in which they do not face one another. This lack of contact with fellow gym goers allows these individuals to focus specifically on the goal of betterment that they have without the pressure of others judging them, staring at them, or analyzing their progress. As such, machines such as stair steppers, treadmills, rowing devices, crossfit machines, and a litany of other machines are spaced strategically in rows that face the wall, a set of televisions, or

Drawing on appropriate theories of entrepreneurial learning, provide a Essay

Drawing on appropriate theories of entrepreneurial learning, provide a reflective account of how your experiences in this module - Essay Example Furthermore, entrepreneurial learning is a specific field where more than any theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and experience is imperative and therefore most valued, but with the former playing an important role of its own. In theoretical-based entrepreneurial learning, with the same aims reflected and supported by the practical aspect, some of the key questions that are focused upon are what the essential skills to master are in order to become a successful entrepreneur, how those skills can be obtained, and indeed, whether they can be obtained or at all, or whether they, in a large part, are inherited and inherent in a person's personality. Entrepreneurial learning can be summed up as the outcome of a sequence of choices among many options, often directly contradicting each other, which over time, influence the pattern of choices and individual may take. The skills of deduction and analysis required to make these choices are inculcated and develop through entrepreneur le arning (Harrison & Leitch 2008) . There are three specific aspects to entrepreneurial learning. Firstly, the personal and social development required in an individual, which will equip them to become a successful entrepreneur. ... nt aspect of entrepreneurial learning involves examining what roles an individual's personality and developing environment play in their role as an entrepreneur. This can include past experience, the lessons and conclusions drawn from them, and the effect that it will possibly have on future ventures, or it can include environmental factors that work towards inculcating certain thinking biases in an individual's perspective (Deakens 1998). It can also aim to educate the individual on how their current thinking and evaluation may affect future ventures, or whether and in what ways it should be challenged and developed, according to the goals and expectations of that individual as an entrepreneur. The aspect of entrepreneurial learning focused on learning through physical environment and experience is also called contextual learning. As evident from the name, it involves employing the individual in a scenario of certain context relevant to their position and development as an entrepren eur so that they may take actual decisions based on a variety of key choices, which ultimately go on to effect the outcome, in a positive or negative way. Experiencing the role of an entrepreneur and the situation where it's required leads an individual into applying skills and sense of practical experience, which comes into play where there's a need to make analytical decisions. It also allows expertise in the sense where an individual may logically predict to a certain accuracy the outcome that would result from a certain choice. This again leads to valuable experience, which comes into use where decisions need to be made in situations where there is a lack of common data to build choices upon and therefore make a decision from, and in which case past experience and future acumen will

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Deaf President Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Deaf President Now - Essay Example The protest started on march 6 1988 up to march 13 1988 and was led by Greg Hlibok, Tim Rarus, Bridgetta Bourne and Jerry Covel who were students in the institution involved in leadership positions. When the deaf people set their goals, they are very determined and do their best to achieve them. The Gallaudet University protest was very significant since it symbolized that the deaf people and other physically challenged persons could manage themselves. The capabilities of deaf people are often treated with uncertainty. Additionally, it is clear that the deaf education in United States has been neglected for long preventing the deaf persons to compete for equal opportunities with other members of the society.Teacher David is a revolutionary person, which makes me think he could have been a student at the Gallaudet University during the time of the protest. Additionally, he believes that the deaf are capable of being successful like other groups of people.Gallaudet University has had t hree deaf presidents. Dr. Jordan was the first deaf president who was appointed after the 1988 protest. He was president for 20 years and stepped down in 2006. Robert Davila, who reigned as president for the next three years, succeeded Dr. Jordan. After Davila, Alan Hurwitz was appointed in 2010 and remains the president of Gallaudet University up to date.Conclusively, the Gallaudet University protest helped in removing the barriers that had disconnected the deaf from the rest of the community.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mobile communication channel and benefits to consumers in the 21st Dissertation

Mobile communication channel and benefits to consumers in the 21st century - Dissertation Example es and trade press conducted and published (Manninen 2004; Taulavuori 2005; Salmela 2004; Karjaluoto & Leppaniemi 2005; Barnes 2002; Leppaniemi & Karjaluoto 2005; and Salo and Tahtinen 2005). Mobile communication channels is being viewed as the next frontier in achieving customer relation as mobile phone companies seek to market themselves through the mobile devises (Barnes and Scornavacca 2004; Facchetti et al. 2005; Denk & Hackl 2004; Kalakota and Robinson 2002; Varshney 2003; and Wang and Wang 2005). For the mobile phone manufacturers, it is not just a matter of providing a hand held device but ensuring that they provide a device that is able to provide various related benefits such as instant connectivity, increased convenience, and personalization of services. Phone manufacturers have to ensure that their devices are able to meet user's needs, such as provision of a platform that is able to support, m-commerce applications and other applications that is able to provide them with unforgettable experience. Despite the fact that increased studies have shown the benefits of mobile commercial communication, most businesses have not been able to recognise the importance of ensuring that their mobile devises are integrated with mobile communication devices that can help increase their client base and hence increased profitability. This research is intended to provide a platform for mobile phone manufacturer and users especially those that hope to increase their relationship on the business to consumer relation to be able to recognise the mobile devises produced are able to provide increased benefits to consumers and as a result, increase sales of their products and services and hence profitability. 1.1Research Objectives The main objective of the research is to help...Mobile device market is growing at a phenomenon pace. By the year 2008, Apple sold 4 million iPhones a figure, that was translated to almost 20,000 iPhones sold every day. At the same time, it was r eported that by the year ending 2007, the total percentage of web browsing on iPhone was at 0.12% of all browsing in the market. Apple’s iPhone has changed the game for many users browsing the web on a mobile device. Web developers can now create functionally rich and visually appealing applications that run within the iPhone’s version of the Safari Mobile web browser. As shown in the chart below, in the year 2012, according to International Data Corporation (IDC), in their worldwide mobile phone tracker survey, Apple has become the third largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world. This was attributed to the company’s strong launch of the iPhone 4S was listed as the primary reason that the company leapfrogged over competitors LG and ZTE in the fourth quarter of 2011. Nokia still retained its spot as the leader in mobile phone shipments due to its worldwide distribution and manufacturing presence, with Samsung emerging as the number two manufacturer, with its Android smartphone line and new Windows Phone smartphones helping the company sell more than 300 million phones in 2011. Other mobile phones that dominated included Korean LG and Chinese vendor ZTE. More significantly increase in sales was witnessed with most of the consumers, moving from low-cost feature phones to increasingly powerful smartphones that include Android and Windows Ph one-powered smartphones.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Implications Of Plastic Elimination For The Human Essay

Implications Of Plastic Elimination For The Human - Essay Example As such various environmental issues like pollution due to the accumulation of such waste in natural habitats occur. In addition, wild and domestic animals sometimes ingest these plastics or entangle in them causing a menace. Furthermore, the leaching of chemicals present in these plastics into the soil pollutes the terrestrial, marine, and freshwater habitats, which subsequently affects plants and animals. In the economic front, many losses have been incurred because of ghost fishing, which results from discarded fishing nets in water bodies (SEPDP, 2011). Plastics can be hazardous to human health as well, especially when its chemical constituents accumulate in human bodies. This process is referred to as bioaccumulation and causes a myriad of health problems in human bodies. A good example is the component phthalate that has been shown to affect the male reproductive system after exposure (Hu et. al., 2009). This is due to the effect of phthalates on hormones. Studies have shown that phthalates either mimic or interfere with actions of natural hormones like estrogen and androgens. In males, this plasticizer is associated with testicular dysgenesis syndrome, TDS (Hu et. al., 2009). This term refers to a number of disorders and abnormalities in the male reproductive system. Exposure to phthalates causes a condition referred to as cryptorchidism, which is characterized by undescended testes. Another condition, hypospadias, indicating abnormal urethral meatus is also caused by phthalate exposure in young males. In addition to these effect s, phthalate exposure also affects adult males, causing reduced fertility and cancer cases. This could affect the future population in terms of birth defects that could lead to abnormal or malformed reproductive organs. This coupled with reduced fertility and increased cancer threatens the existence and survival of future generations.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

War against Terrorism Essay Example for Free

War against Terrorism Essay Terrorism means spreading terror or horror through unusual activities such as bomb blasts etc. An act of terrorism spreads panic among the people so it can be said that the main purpose of terrorism is to spread panic in a particular area or throughout the country. The use of word terrorism has become very common after the act on World Trade Center on 11th September 2001. Terrorism is the most challenging issue which must be essentially controlled by law enforcing authorities or the intelligence agencies. The most destructive terrorists activities includes suicide and bomb blast, target killing and murder and so on that is done suddenly and secretly and offcorse it is the most fierce and horrible terrorism in which thousands of innocent people lost their lives. A very crowded spots which includes markets, buildings, properties and even religious buildings have been targeted by the terrorists. It is the most curse and most serious and sincere which must be strictly controlled and every one should take part in War against Terrorism to bring peace in all over the world. Terrorism is the systematic use of violent terror as a means of coercion. In the international community, terrorism has no legally binding, criminal law definition.[1][2] Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). Some definitions now include acts of unlawful violence and war. The use of similar tactics by criminal organizations for protection rackets or to enforce a code of silence is usually not labeled terrorism, though these same actions may be labeled terrorism when done by a politically motivated group. The word terrorism is politically and emotionally charged,[3] and this greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precise definition. Studies have found over 100 definitions of â€Å"terrorism†.[4][5] The concept of terrorism may be controversial as it is often used by state authorities (and individuals with access to state support) to delegitimize political or other opponents,[6] and potentially legitimize the states own use of armed force  against opponents (such use of force may be described as terror by opponents of the state).[6][7] Terrorism has been practiced by a broad array of political organizations to further their objectives. It has been practiced by both right-wing and left-wing political parties, nationalistic groups, religious groups, revolutionaries, and ruling governments.[8] An abiding characteristic is the indiscriminate use of violence against noncombatants for the purpose of gaining publicity for a group, cause, or individual. The symbolism of terrorism can leverage human fear to help achieve these goals.[9]

Friday, September 20, 2019

Krispy Kreme Objectives

Krispy Kreme Objectives Krispy Kreme is a famous chain of donut and coffee store all around the world. In 1937, Vernon Rudolph founded Krispy Kreme in Winston-Salem. Since then Krispy Kremes mission has been to provide the best service and highest-quality products to customers. At first, Vernon Rudolph started his business by selling donut to other stores. But in 1938, he opened the first Krispy Kreme store in Winston-Salem and began to sell donuts to customers. Today, Krispy Kreme grows rapidly in international business with the opening of a lot of stores in Australia, United Kingdom, Asia and Middle Eastà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ not to mention its franchise expansions. In this case, we will discuss about Krispy Kreme strategies, the reason why Krispy Kreme need to revamp its own strategy plans as well as the environmental factor that influence the company. PART II Objective Case Question 1 Explain Krispy Kremes strategic and operational plans. Every business needs a strategy or at least an operational plan in order to grow and make more profits. Strategy is a plan for achieving objectives and following the mission statements. Strategic planning includes three planning level: corporate, business and functional. In this case study, we will discuss about the expansion of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Since going public, Krispy Kreame has been a standout in America with more 300 stores in 44 states and expensed to other country such as Canada, UK, Mexico, Australia, Japanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [1]  This growth can be considered as both opportunity and threat. This is the opportunity of expansion: in the final quarter of the year 2003, worldwide sales of Krispy Kreme doughnuts increased nearly 29% to 251.1 million dollar. Company revenue, which includes sales from company stores, franchise fees and other operations rose more than 31% to 169.6 million dollar  [2]  . Even thought this expansion brought profits to the company, Krispy Kreme has downturn. One of the reasons is they opened too many stores in too little time and ship their doughnuts to a grocery stores everywhere and anywhere, diluted the appeal of its core product-The Original Glazed. When they sold their doughnuts to a grocery store, th ey would lose two important factors. First, the quality is not originally good as when you eat them right as they come off conveyor belt at the retail store. Second, customers are too familiar with watching the doughnuts being made adds to magic of the product  [3]  . Krispy Kreme is also lack of advertising of their products and very weak menu. Another problem at Krispy Kreme is about franchises. The Krispy Kreme craze in the early 2000s drove millions of customers to stores, waiting in line for the cherished fresh glazed delicacies. As the result, the number of Krispy Kreme franchises increased very fast trying to enter the market. A new store may offer additional revenue to the home office, but the overall result is less profit for each individual store owner. For example, between 2003 and 2004, second quarter revenues increased by 15%, but same store revenues had only increased by 1 percent  [4]  . Beside doughnut, Krispy Kreme has been expanded into coffee business with the acquisition of Digital Java Inc. a coffee company in 2002. This acquisition met some strategic including eagerly wish for provide a coffee experience for customers, as well as companys integration. The idea for selling coffee is wonderful, if the Krispy Kreme was consistent in its actions. Maybe there should be fewer stores with more ambitions put into them. Krispy Kreme could be a main competitor of Dunkin Doughnut with more chances to win customers back. PART III Objective question 2 Why is Krispy Kreme facing the need to revamp its strategic plans? Obviously, Krispy Kremes strategic plan is to make money, just like all business in the world. But having a wrong strategic plan can terminate the business and that why we will find out the reason that Krispy Kreme is facing the need to revamp its strategic plans. One of the major competitors of Krispy Kreme is Dunkin Doughnut. In Dunkin Doughnut, managers everywhere continued to plod along, making the doughnuts and selling coffee. Someone even named it better than Starbuck  [5]  and actually more than haft of revenues of Dunkin comes from coffee business. People love Dunkin more than Krispy Kreme not only because delicious donuts but also its the rest of menu. So this is the one reason for Krispy to revamp its strategic plans, to expanse in their menu. Otherwise, they will lose their customers. Other reason for revamping strategic plans is about customers. In Australia, Krispy Kreme has 50 stores for 21 million people. Krispy Kreme failed to understand that in this country they needed to operate as a specialty retailer. People would travel to the store to buy a dozen of doughnuts. Sometime they travel by airplane just to buy a big bag of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It suggested that the brand had a very strong novelty value in Australia. But how sustainable this level of demand really was? Selling them by dozen is not appropriate for individual customer and customers cannot have differenced brand experience or amazing product. PART IV Objective question 3 Was Krispy Kremes performance affected by the low-carb diets that were popular? Explain. In the face of growing consumer distaste for high-carb foods like bread and pasta, Krispy Kreme cut its full-year earnings forecast by 10 percent and said it would shut down or sell off operations of  Montana Mills Bread Co., a gourmet bread and pastry chain it bought last year .The low-carb diets are not affected too much to the company because in USA just 6 or 7 million people are on low-carb diet and most of American dont change the way their eat. The low-carb fad is certainly having an impact but there are a number of other things, such as its rapid store expansion and the low productivity in its new stores. The company has become increasingly dependent on selling doughnuts in grocery stores and other retailers. Dunkin Donuts may also be a problem for Krispy Kreme. Dunkin Donuts, which touts the quality of its coffee, sells a more diverse line of breakfast foods than Krispy Kreme, with bagels, muffins and breakfast sandwiches in addition to its own doughnuts. PART V Objective question 4 Which management function is the focus of this case? (Chapter 1) In this case, Planning is the main function of management. It is the basic management function which includes formulation of one or more detailed plans to achieve optimum balance of needs or demands with the available resources.  [6]   In the 1990s, Krispy Kreme grew rapidly to the national phenomenon with 366 stores in 44 states  [7]  all for selling doughnuts. This business strategy soon ran to the problem and downturn because they had too many stores to control, lack of advertising, cost increased in ingredient and franchises problem. In order to recovery from the crisis, Krispy Kreme have been deployed some strategic planning included add variable choices to its menu, advertising on TV and radio, produce healthier products and try to develop based on its own strength. Krispy Kreme become famous because of its signature Original Glazed Doughnut and the company try to take the advantage on that when they selling Glazed Doughnut only by a dozen. They know people loving it. But if they dont do something, they will lose their customers. The writer comment is Krispy Kreme should close unprofitable store as well as diversify and expand in product mix. Krispy Kreme potential still very big, they can win their custo mer back if they change their strategy into right path. PART VI Objective question 5 To which environmental factor did Krispy Kreme attribute its problems, and to which environmental factor did analyst attribute the problems? (Chapter 2) The environmental factors that influence Krispy Kreme included customers, competitors, technologies and its structure. Krispy Kreme is a major competitor in restaurant industry, well-known for its doughnuts. But by 2006, Krispy Kremes net loss was about $135.8 million and in 2007 it had cut back to 299 stores compared to 366 stores in 1990s. Krispy Kreme attribute the problems were low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets. A diet is external environment problem that still effect to Krispy Kreme today. Krispy Kremes core product Original Glazed doughnuts unfortunately is very high-carbohydrate, reverse with customers demand of low-carb food. Even Krispy Kreme can see the problem about low-carb foods, they cannot change their technology to make healthier doughnuts because if they do that, their doughnuts wont have original taste anymore and can hurt their business even further. But that is what Krispy Kreme said. Besides that, there is more than one problem about Krispy Kreme. The analyst stated that Krispy Kreme have grown too fast but also low productivity in its new stores, too reliance to franchisors and grocery stores when Krispy Kreme only own 108 stores in 300 stores of Krispy Kreme. Another problem is since this is perfect competition market, there is no significant barrier to enter the market, Krispy Kreme faces with considerable competition from small and large  companies, especially Dunkin Donuts. They compete very hard in quality as well as price. PART VII Conclusion Inclusion, every company sometime make a mistake in their strategies, what important is they can recovery and get experience through that mistake so that they wont repeat that mistake. The Ex-Chief Executive Officer Daryl Brewster have done that by increased advertisements, expanded the product line. The new CEO James Morgan is bringing profits back to Krispy Kreme when revenues for Winston-Salem Krispy Kreme doughnuts rose by 6.3% to $87.9 million in its fiscal second quarter and net income rose to $2.2 million from a loss of $157.000 compared to a year ago  [8]  . Although Krispy Kreme is not as profitable as the old time, managers of Krispy Kreme are trying their best to revive the company. Avoid expanding too fast again, grow slowly, learn something from their competitors and especially listen to the customers are some of recommendations. By realize the problem and step-by-step begin to implement the right solutions, the Krispy  Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. can once again thrive in todays restaurant industry markets.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Huck Finn Grows Up :: essays research papers

Many changes violently shook America shortly after the Civil War. The nation was seeing things that it had never seen before, its entire economic philosophy was turned upside down. Huge multi-million dollar trusts were emerging, coming to dominate business. Companies like Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel were rapidly gobbling up small companies in any way possible. Government corruption was at what some consider an all time high. “The Rich Man’s Club'; dominated the Senate as the Gilded Age reached its peak. On the local front, mob bosses controlled the cities, like Tammany Hall in New York. Graft and corruption were at an all time high while black rights sunk to a new low. Even after experiencing freedom during the Civil War, their hopes of immediate equality died with the death of Lincoln. Groups like the KKK drove blacks down to a new economic low. What time would be better than this to write a book about the great American dream, a book about long h eld American ideals, now squashed by big business and white supremacy? Mark Twain did just that, when he wrote what is considered by many as the “Great American Epic';. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, “The great American epic,'; may be one of the most interesting and complex books ever written in the history of our nation. This book cleverly disguises many of the American ideals in a child floating down the Mississippi River on a raft with a black slave. On the outside of the story, one can see an exciting tale of heroism and adventure; however, that is not all. The book shows Mark Twain’s idea of the classic American idealism, consisting of freedom, morality, practicality, and an alliance with nature. Twain manages to show all this while poking fun at the emergence of the “robber barons,'; better know as the big business of the late nineteenth century. Twain portrays many different American values in this book by expressing them through one of the many different characters. The character that Twain chose to represent morality and maturation is none other than Huck Finn himself. Throughout the novel one sees many signs of chang e. The setting is constantly fluctuating, except for the constant Mississippi, and Huck and Jim, a runaway slave, under-go many changes themselves. At the end of the novel Huck Finn shows a large change in his level of maturity than he had exhibited in the beginning of the book.

Writing Project: Technology :: Technological History Essays

Writing Project: Technology Technology as a term can be very difficult to use as a criteria for categorizing the action of writing. To be certain, the line that has to be drawn in this situation appears blurred at best, to most people. The argument of whether or not writing is or isn’t technology, or whether writing is or isn’t a natural endeavor for humans, can and will be deeply investigated. Writing has been established as a process of placing collected and possibly organized thoughts onto some sort of platform with a set system of figures or characters that can ideally be read and understood by other people. Technology has become the idea that contains all of those actions that humans take to produce articles or affairs that are not completely natural. Natural objects, entities, or actions, are defined as what humans do, or what occurs in the world, without human fabrication. To look at these concepts with the idea of human evolution close at hand, complicates matters greatly and forces far too many mere assumptions for a concise argument, so the idea here is to look at what humans would do in an isolated environment on their own, and what they do at present in a world where information is not only available, but forcefully pushed into the lives of the world’s people. For instance, talking is technology; in the case of humans at some point in evolution being speechless, and then later basically inventing the enterprise of speech. But talking is natural in the situation of children growing up anywhere in the world today and learning how to talk without any instruction. Of course the rather interesting argument could be made, that those organisms evolving into humans who had not acquired speech yet, were not really humans; in any case, humans will now be those modern people who have already spoken, or those modern humans that live in a world after humanity’s acquisition of speech. The project at hand was an experiment in technology, and also an experiment in writing. The objective was to take a course of action that would create writing, however, none of the â€Å"regular† or â€Å"conventional† systems of writing could be used, and notice needed to be made pertaining to what was natural, and what was not natural.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Walmart ecommerce ops Essay examples -- essays research papers

What is Wal-Mart dong that seems to fit a definition of â€Å"successful† e-commerce operations? What cold they do better? How does shopping on-line compare to your experience looking for a similar type of item at a bricks-and-mortar store? How does this site compare to other experiences you’ve had with e-commerce   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When you talk about Wal-Mart the first thing that you have to remember is that they are the largest retailer in the world. Wal-Mart employs more people in the United States than any other company and is second only to the federal government in the number of employees that they have on the payroll. These are important facts to consider in that due to their tremendous size, Wal-Mart has an enormous effect on the economy and the way that business is conducted. In many instances, if a company wants to continue to do business they have to either follow what Wal-Mart is doing or attempt to compete against Wal-Mart in some other fashion. It is not unreasonable to state that Wal-Mart is the reason why many businesses are in business today. They were forced out by the sheer size of Wal-Mart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So, with this in mind it is interesting to note that Wal-Mart ranks only third on the e-commerce scale behind Dell computers and Amazon. (Sullivan 2004) What is the reason for this? It’s hard to say and point to one specific reason why Wal-Mart doesn’t lead this list but maybe looking at the criteria outlined in the background reading will help to answer this question. (Wollan 2003)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the background reading a list of criteria is given that outlines the advantages of e-commerce as it relates to operations management. The companies that are able to capitalize on these are the ones that will be successful. Wal-Mart is able to capitalize and continues to do so as it improves and expands into the e-commerce environment. Some of these advantages are: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Better availability of service †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cost reduction in information processing †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Better of timeliness of service †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Better access to customer markets †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Initial cost of operations less expensive †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Operating costs of operations less expensive †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bet... ...Wal-Mart provides not only a Boolean search box but also some â€Å"pretty† tabs labeled with general names such as toys and electronics. But this is not special and is in fact pretty much the norm for companies that do business online. In other words, the Walmart.com website does not stand out from the crowd. As a matter of fact if you compare the Amazon.com websites to Walmart.com they look very similar. (Amazon 2005) I found the Dell website to be less friendly and almost irritating with the addition of pop-up ads that I had to close. (Dell, 2005) REFERENCES Amazon (2005) [Company web-site]. Retrieved June 19, 2005 from http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/subst/home/home.html/103-3903465-0764615 Dell Computers, (2005) [Company web-site]. Retrieved June 19, 2005 from http://www.dell.com/ Sullivan, Laurie. (2004, November, 8). E-Commerce: Promise Fulfilled. InformationWeek, 1013(3), 70. Wal-Mart. (2005). [Company web-site]. Retrieved on February 21, 2005, from http://www.walmart.com Wollan, M. L. (2003). E-commerce operations management. PowerPoint presentation for OPM 500, Module 5. Zimmerman, A. (2003, Nov. 21). To sell goods to Wal-Mart, get on the net. Wall Street Journal, B.1.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

TV Adverts

One of the things that annoys me most are TV adverts. Now, I think that TV adverts are a bit like marmite, you either love them or you hate them. Personally I absolutely loathe them seeing as I find them really irritating as do most people. Whenever an advert comes on the TV I usually switch the channel to another programme that’s on until my programme comes back on. Why? Because TV adverts are just ridiculously annoying and so time consuming.One of the things that annoys me the most is when you have to change the channel because you don’t want to watch the advert but then you end up completely forgetting about your first programme causing you to miss it. I mean I believe that TV adverts are basically hated by everybody. To me there is nothing worse than watching your favourite programme and having to wait about 5 minutes during adverts to find out what happens next. For example, lets’ set the scene, you’re sitting at home looking for something good to wat ch.You find a horror film that looks quite good and that has just started. You start to really enjoy the movie, you’re dying to know what’s going to happen, you’re on the edge of your seat and the rising suspense is unbearable. You’re just getting to the best bit and all is about to be revealed when suddenly the darkness from your screen is replaced by bright light. The creepy tension building music has gone and now your ears are filled by with nice calming music as the John Lewis clearance advert begins.Then you have to sit there for the next five minutes having to listen to people telling you what’s the best car insurance or the best place to shop for food and other really weird adverts. When the darkness and creepy music finally return your sense of excitement is gone and the suspense just can’t be replaced. Usually by this point I just turn off the movie and watch whatever other programmes are on at that time but if you can get straight back into the movie then I applaud you because that never happens for me. I can’t even fully express my hatred for these adverts that ruin everything at the moment.To be honest though it’s not only the fact that adverts just pop up at the worst times but also what they contain. You don’t know how many times I’ve caught myself humming the ‘go compare’ advert at the most random of times. I haven’t actually heard the ‘go compare’ advert in ages as the makers of the advert have stopped the singing, thankfully but it’s the fact that it’s so memorable that makes it annoying. Just the other day I was looking after my baby cousin and I started to hum go compare and she actually started to calm down, although my aunty saw me and looked at me as if I had two heads.Another thing is how adverts advertise so many different types of insurance you could buy, or different loan websites such as MA and quick quid. And don†™t get me started on all the different bingo and gambling adverts that annoy me so much. To be honest though it’s how they advertise them that annoy me. They advertise things in such a way that everyone feels the need to go and spend everything they have just to make their lives easier or to put them higher on the social ladder.However one thing I hate more commercials are infomercials. On those very rare occasions when I wake up too early and all that is on is teleshopping, I am literally about ready to kill myself. I then have to endure about an hour of a load of crap being advertised to me such as jewellery and vacuums. Anyway enough of my little rant against TV adverts now. I hope I have managed to persuade you to send TV adverts in to room 101 and if not then you can just send me so I can finally be away from them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Infant Toddler Curriculum Essay

Developmental domains are one way to describe and think about the different aspects of development in the areas of: motional; physical, social, cognitive; and language skills of young children. And while we use the domains as a way to organize our thinking and observations of children, in reality all domains are function together simultaneously, especially in the first three years of life. This holistic development is separated into the developmental domains for the purpose of observation, study, developmental assessment, and planning (Blackboard, 2013). Therefore, it is important to understand how the developmental domains relate to the three themes of infant development; in order to provide DAP care and activities for children in each stage of arly childhood development. For instance, an understanding of the young infant stage, babies develop a sense of security from their caregivers. It is this sense of security, that allows the baby to build an urge to explore, later motivating t hem to take risks and advance their current knowledge of their environment. This may require removing all sharp objects from the area and covering electrical outlets and ensuring. However, prepping the room for child safety is not the only concern. It is imperative to play close attention, and respond to the needs of young infants. Nery oung children need adults who listen, smile, and talk with them or babble when they babble; watch for when they need quiet and solitude; and notice and communicate pleasure over such newfound skills as creeping, climbing, holding, dropping, or adding new sounds and words (Greenman, Stonehouse, and Schweikert, 2008, pg. 61). † An understanding of the mobile stage of development will make one aware of the safety precautions needed to allow mobile toddlers to explore the environment. Mobile infants often explore by mouthing and must be protected from small parts and fragile toys. In addition a rich learning environment for mobile nfants should include safe structures to climb and explore. â€Å"Moving around is essential to learning; it gives babies different perspective and vantage points, which they need in order to move from an entirely egocentric view of space toward a more sophisticated sense ot relationship between selt, space, and other people (Greenman, Stonehouse, and Schweikert, 2008, pg. 53). An understanding of the toddler stage of development enables caring adults to guide and assist young children’s emotional development. The first two years of a person’s life can set the foundation for the way hey create relationships, view others, and understand emotions and how to control them. â€Å"A toddler’s sense of self, of I and me, emerge in a group environment and a culture which private property and the acquisition of things are s omewhat scared. This makes the learning of related concepts like mine particularly challenging (Greenman, Stonehouse, and Schweikert, 2008, pg. 9). † â€Å"Toddlers learn about who they are in the world through relationships and experiences with adults who care for them. They learn to trust that their needs will be met, or that they will not. The motional domain includes the infant’s perception of herself and of herself in relation to others. â€Å"(Blackboard, 2013). The most important thing a caregiver can do to help a toddler’s emotional development is to create a safe and loving environment for the toddler to learn in. Caregivers should understand that each toddler is different and has different needs. Attending to each individual child in a well-organized and inviting learning environment is essential during his stage early childhood development. Infant Toddler Curriculum â€Å"Because of the specific needs of infants and toddlers the term curriculum is during he early stages of development is complex. To summarize all of the ideas of curriculum, as defined by leaders in the field (Gonzalez-Mena, Eyer, Dodge, Greenman, Stonehouse, Schwikert, Swim, and Watson), you must think about curriculum as an organized framework. To make curriculum DAP for infant and toddlers, it must be based on sound and relevant knowledge such as infant/ toddler development and research; so that it guides early care professional practices in providing purposeful and responsive learning opportunities for each child through daily routines and experiences (Blackboard, 2013) † â€Å"Infant and toddler curriculum plans focus on how to best create a social, emotional, and intellectual climate that supports child-initiated and child-pursued learning. The interests of the child and the belief that each child has a curriculum are what drive practice (Blackboard, 2013)†. It is understood that very young children need to play a significant role in selecting their learning experiences, materials, and content. Curriculum plans, therefore, do not focus on games, tasks, or activities, but on how to best create a social, emotional, and intellectual climate that supports child-initiated and child- ursued learning and the building and sustaining of positive relationships among adults and children. Responsive curriculum planning focuses on finding strategies to help infant-toddler teachers search for, support, and keep alive children’s internal motivation to learn, and their spontaneous explorations of people and things of interest and importance to them (Blackboard, 2013). † This should begin with study of the specific children in care. â€Å"Detailed records of each child’s interests and skills are kept to give g uidance to the adults for the roles they will take in each child’s learning Greenman, Stonehouse, and Schweikert, 2008, pg. 30). † It should also be realized from the start that plans should not be static. Adaptation and change are critical parts of the learning process and should be anticipated. â€Å"Once an interaction with a child or small cluster of children begins, the teacher has to be ready to adapt his or ner plans and actions so they work tor all children, no matter what kind ot physical , mental or emotional challenges individual bring to the program (Greenman, Stonehouse, and Schweikert, 2008, pg. 30). † Another essential component of planning s attention to a responsive learning environment and specific attention to how environments should be changed. The planning of learning environments is more important to infant-toddler development than specific lessons or specific activities. â€Å"The environment must be seen as part of the curriculum, creating interest and encouraging and supporting exploration (Blackboard, 2013). † Research has shown that much of how infants and toddlers learn best comes not from specific adult- directed lessons but from teachers knowing how to maximize opportunities for each child to use natural learning inclinations. The philosophy of routine care as learning opportunities for infants and toddlers is based on the premise that, â€Å"Relationships develop through all kinds of interactions, but especially during ones that happen while adults are carrying out those essential activities of daily living sometimes called caregiving routines (Greenman, Stonehouse, and Schweikert, 2008, pg. 5)†, such as: feeding, diapering; toilet training/learning; washing; bathing and grooming; dressing; napping. † For caregiving routines to become curriculum, they can’t be done mechanically.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Religious Holidays

Religious Holidays Paper There are various religious holidays that are celebrated worldwide by the many differing religions. Each holiday celebrates a certain prophet, event, or date that is important to their specific belief. Two such religious holidays are the Muslim Eid al-Fitr and the Christian Christmas. Eid-al Fitr is an important Muslim holiday that signifies the end of the month of Ramadan. It is also called The Feast of Breaking Fast, The Sugar Feast and The Sweet Festival. The month of Ramadan is meant to be spent fasting so on Eid al Fitr, Muslims are meant to break this fast.This day also marks the start of the month of Shawwal, which is the time where â€Å"Muslims around the world try to show a common goal of unity† (Eid). This holiday has a specific Islamic prayer called salat that is given in two pieces. Muslims congregate to hear this prayer in a large mosque or gathering hall. They prayer is different depending on which juristic opinion is followed whether it be fard, mustahabb or mandoob. Muslims believe that they are commanded by god to fast until Eid al-Fitr where they give zakat, or a portion of ones wealth as a tax, and fitra, their constitution of being.The holiday of Eid was first started in â€Å"Madinah after the migration of Muhammed from Mecca† (SOS). Muhammed came to the people of Madinah and told them of the two holidays that God has made for them to celebrate. They are an occasion to show gratitude to God and remember him as well as a day of entertainment for Muslims. Some typical food eaten on Eid is Badami Gosht, Badam Phirni, and Nawabi Biryani. These dishes are spicy, and some contain meat while others are all vegetarian. A common saying during Eid is â€Å"Eid Muburak† which means happy Eid.The day starts off with keeping the traditions of the prophet Muhammed. Muslims wake up early, say a pre-sunrise prayer, brush their teeth with a toothbrush, wear their finest clothes, and put on perfume. It is forbid den to fast on Eid so â€Å"Muslims have a feast on this day as well as listen to the Eid prayer in a large group† (SOS). Eid gifts known as Eidi are given on this day to children and relatives. Christmas is an important Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Both Christians and non-Christians all around the world celebrate Christmas on December 25.This day â€Å"marks the beginning of Christmastide, which ends on the 12th day† (Christmas). Christmastide is one of the seasons of the liturgical year of most Christian churches. Christians celebrate Christmas day as the fulfillment of the Messaic Prophecy in the Old Testament. It goes that Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary on December 25 in a manger. The Three Kings that brought â€Å"gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh† visited baby Jesus (Origin). Christians put up special decorations in and around their house.They put up Christmas lights around the borders of their homes as well as various props that light up. Some include snowmen, Santa Clause, or Jesus in the manger. The colors that signify Christmas are red and green. Red represents the blood of Jesus while green represents eternal life. The Christmas tree comes from pagan rituals surrounding the winter solstice involving evergreens. It is now incorporated in the holiday of Christmas. The idea of Santa Clause comes from the man Saint Nicholas. He would check the behavior of children and decide whether they deserved gifts or not.Nicholas would secretly put gifts such as coins in people’s shoes. This began the idea of gift giving on Christmas day. A traditional Christmas meal is had on this day with various dishes including ones specific to Christmas. These include mince pies, fruitcakes, and Christmas pudding. Both Christmas and Eid al-Fitr share some similar qualities. Both can be called many different names. For example Christmas can be called Xmas and Eid can be called The Sugar Feast. T hey both are religious holidays that have been started because of a great prophet or messiah.Both holidays have â€Å"historical significance that relates back to either Muhammed or Jesus† (What). These holidays share the basic principle of happiness and cheer, as well as giving. Feasts along with foods that are specific to the holiday are important parts of both Christmas and Eid al-Fitr. Gifts are given in Christmas and Eid as a sign of good fortune a care. While there are similarities between the two holidays, there are also many differences. Eid marks the end of one month and the start of another in contrast with Christmas, which is only significant to one day.Christmas involves decorating your house while Eid does not. Eid also does not have a figure that is tied to gift giving like Christmas does. A major difference between Christmas and Eid is that â€Å"many non-Christians celebrate the holiday of Christmas† (What). Only Muslims celebrate Eid however and it is not as widely accepted by non-Muslims. The religious holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Christmas are both important days to two different religions. These days share some of the same characteristics while also differing in various aspects that make them unique and important to those that celebrate them.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

People Living on the Continent of North America Suffer 9 Times More Chronic Fatigue and 31 Times More Chronic Depression

A recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia. Interestingly, Asians, on average, eat 20 grams of soy per day, whereas North Americans eat virtually none. It turns out that soy contains phytochemicals called isoflavones, which have been found to possess disease–preventing properties.Thus, North Americans should consider eating soy on a regular basis as a way of preventing fatigue and depression. The purposes of this idea try to convince the audience that the people who are living in North American continent should usually eat soy for preventing fatigue and depression. To support his proposal, he explains that, the fact of people, who are living in Asia continent, have average eating soy equal to 20 grams per day.The point is that in North America continent, no anyone eating. Nevertheless, I still found that his reasons are inconven ience in the following aspects. First of all, the writer indicates that number of people who are living in North America continent have suffer 9 times and 31 times more chronic fatigue and depression respectively than the Asian people. However, this statistic may be wrong. Static should depend on time interval. But this static don’t specific time what year of research.For example, if you research while USA has economic problem, the value of fatigue and depression should higher than Asia continent. Secondly, He expected that soy has phytochemicals called isoflavones, which have been found to possess disease – preventing properties. However, eating soy or not may be not the essential reasons. Sometime, it is style of living. For example, in most country in North America continent are urban while country in Asia almost are rural.So this is the make sense reason, which make static of fatigue and depression in North America has the value more than in Asia. Simply put, the a rgument offered by the writer is still weak. If he wants improve the credibility, he should provide more data, especially about when time of survey and other control variable like status of economic. If I have to assess this argument, I would need evidence when time of survey of chronic fatigue and depression and status of economic.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Strengths and Weaknesses of different Interview Modes Assignment

Strengths and Weaknesses of different Interview Modes - Assignment Example The responses to the questions will rather provide the researcher information which qualifies as insights in probing the research question that the study poses. Thus, the interview process has to combine with the systematic analytical skills of the interviewer. In this process of analysis, there are number of associated elements which come to the aid of the interviewer in the case of a face to face interview. Kvalve (1996) has opined that the process of a research interview includes techniques to understand and describe the meanings underlying the central themes on which the interview is based on. This means that the process of interview does not limit to the direct outputs from the interviewee. The important task in an interview is analyzing the meaning of the direct inputs from the interviewee. However, for this to happen in a proper manner, there are a number of other factors which contribute towards it. The physical setting of the interview is one of the most important out of the se elements. The success of an interview in bringing out reliable qualitative information depends largely on the trust that the interviewee has on the interviewee and the associated systems. In this context, the physical environment influences the perception of the interviewee.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Asymmetric information and market disequilibrium Essay

Asymmetric information and market disequilibrium - Essay Example Evidences state that asymmetric information has resulted in adverse selection and under provision or lack of trade (Cawley & Philipson, 1999, p.827). In the real markets cases often arise when the seller knows more about the product being traded than the buyers. As for example in case of second hand car market, the seller knows more about the car than the buyer. It may be the other way round also where the buyer posses more information than the sellers as for example in insurance market, the buyers of the insurance usually is more aware about their risks than the insurance company selling them the insurance. Labor market can be considered as another case where a labor trying to get a job is more aware of the fact that how able he is or she in convincing the employer to bag the job (Economics of organization, slide 4-6). The market of used car will be used as a model where the asymmetric information leads to the absence of trade in that market. The prediction of the conditions for the used cars is very hard to estimate. Various parameters to judge the conditions may be appearance of the car, existence of otherwise of a guarantee with the car, date of manufacturing and so on. But here the assumption will be that the buyer has only two sets of expectations or information in his mind that is the car is either good or the car is bad. The potential buyer also does not have the determination power of the condition of the car in ex ante situation (Economics of organization, slide 6). The seller is well informed about the condition of the car. If the car is in bad condition, the seller does not have the incentive to reveal the fact (Asymmetric Information, n.d). The willingness of the seller to sell a product is expressed in terms of reservation price. The reservation price of the seller is the price that the seller would accept for the object (Adverse Selection, n.d., p. 1) and it depends obviously on whether the car is good or bad. The reservation price of the seller is provided in the table below: Reservation Price Good condition Bad Condition $ 10, 000 6,000 Table 1. Similarly the buyers also evaluate the condition of the car which is also their reservation price (Onuma, n.d., p. 3). Now common information available to everyone is that half the sellers are selling good cars and half the sellers are selling bad cars. The reservation price of the buyer is provided in the table below: Reservation Price Good condition Bad Condition $ 11,000 7,000 Conjecture of the buyer In case of a risk neutral buyer the maximum amount he or she willing to pay for a used car is given in the expectation calculation of the buyer as given by, , Where E (B) = Expected buying price & probability of half of the sellers selling bad cars= probability of half of the sellers selling good cars= Now if the buyer gets to know about the reservation price of the seller, then he or she will work out the price calculation and will accordingly find that at the price only the selle r of the bad car will be willing to sell the car because the sellers of only bad car’s reservation price is above $ 9,000 and the seller of the good cars’

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Case study(Tanglewood department stores) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study(Tanglewood department stores) - Essay Example 5 Work Cited Page†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 Company Profile Tanglewood was founded in 1975 by Tanner Emerson and Thurston Wood. The company operates in the retail industry specializing in clothing, appliances, home decor, and electronics. The stores have an outdoor theme that differentiates Tanglewood from the competition. The company’s mission statement is to be the best department store for consumers seeking quality, durability, and value for all aspects of their active lives. The firm has operating revenues of $7.2 billion while employing nearly 53,000 employees across 243 stores. The company’s target customer is middle to high income customers. Issues and problems Tanglewood was developed by its founders as a family type store where people could come in and find all their shopping needs. The concept helped attract a lot of customer s. The store prides itself in offering the best customer service possible. Another part of the working environment that the owners have always been proud of is having a high level of employee involvement. This attribute was a good idea at first, but as the company has grown it has let to administrative problems. It is important in large organizations for the employees to understand the managerial hierarchy. Stores need manages to be accountable to the operating and strategic decisions that occur at the enterprise. During the 1990’s Tanglewood experienced a lot of growth in terms of total store capacity. The firm grew from a 10 store operation to the current 243 stores it operates today. The problem with the growth the firm achieved was that the company did not build its own stores. It was easier for the firm to acquire other existing stores. The strategy that the firm implemented had lots of short term advantages, but it also led to long term consequences. The firm did not ha ve a unified identity due to the fact that there was a blend of many different corporate cultures. The executive managerial staff of the firm did a poor job developing a single corporate culture for the employees to follow. An organizational culture is a system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization that guides the behavior of its members (Schermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, p.262). A problem the company faced as it grew was that the owners of the firm took an active managerial role without taking on the responsibility of the day to day operations. The owners emphasized more on the strategic side of management. Another inherent problem the company faced was the westward expansion of major competitors such as Target and Kohl’s. The firm had been able to avoid excessive direct competition in the past, but now based on the new market structure the firm has to compete with the major players in the retail industry. The company needs a new administrat ive strategy to better manage its human resources. Alternative Solutions The employees of a company are its most value asset. Due to the importance of human capital Tanglewood needs immediate help dealing with the staff. An alternative solution is for the company to bring a temporary project manager to oversee the operation. The project manager would